Hi, I’m Deanna.

Welcome to my blog!
When I first started my blog in 2018, I envisioned this being an open diary; recollecting memories and experiences that have shaped me and impacted my life.

It’s been a few years since I last posted

When I first started this blog in 2018, my main goal was to share my knowledge on life subjects like love, friendship, family, self awareness, and so forth.

Almost 5 years later, my goals for this blog are still the same. But, I’ve decided I’d also like to write about things that I’m still learning about, like self discovery, relationships, love, family, self love, owning power over myself, and much, much more.

At 25, I’m definitely a work in progress, as we all are in this life and and this blog will show that in more ways than one. I do plan on giving a lot of unnecessary advice, should you choose to take it I’d suggest taking it with a grain of salt, what works for me may not and will not always work for you.

In my earlier blog descriptions, I said I lived by the words of the talented and angelic Reyna Biddy. She says, “the goal isn’t to be ‘loved’ or liked even.. it is and has always been to be vulnerable enough to be appreciated. to be fearless. to leave an impact. to be remembered as ‘honest’ before ‘correct.'”. Shamefully, over the years I lost my way. I forgot the words that once kept me up all night long, determined to understand their full meaning. I forgot to “do everything with love”, words I have in my Instagram bio but have not been applying to my daily life as of late. And it happens, right? We humans lose our way at times. Life throws curveballs at us, surprises us, messes up our plans, makes us sit back and humble ourselves, life makes us pause and reflect.

What is important though, is that we recognize when we are lost, become aware that we may need some helping hands, and remind ourselves that we can try to find our way again.

I’d like to thank you all in advance for baring with me while I try to figure it all out.

With Love,


deanna hernandez, 3/17/2021